For a class project, I wanted to dip my toes into generative CAD, and try to mimic organic growth. However, I Realized that even if I could formulate a method to do so, I would still get riddled with syntax errors. To simplify the task, I figured it would be easier to try to draw something with a defined shape.. So, I chose to parametrically draw gears with involute teeth profiles.
are devices which transmit circular motion, and they are used just about everywhere. Gears today appear in cars, toys, clocks, any the majority of anything else that has spinning parts. In
ancient history, and even in nature, The desire to transmit and
modify circular motion is ever apparent.
Right, the Antikythera
mechanism is estimated to date to around
200bc, and is comprised of 30 brass gears. Middle, the Isus bug uses
gearing to transmit torque in it's legs while jumping. Left, an
example of a crude gear with simple interlocking pins. In 200bc, a
collection of brass gears was indeed an example of phenomenal
engineering and craftsmanship. However, such gears can now be found
in a child's wind-up toy. As a need is developed for specific gears,
we have found ways to efficiently produce the needed gear. The
following is a discussion of the modern standard in gearing, the
involute profile.
Involute Profile
appear in all sizes and styles, with each being suited to a specific
purpose. No matter the purpose of the gear, the designer has
longevity and smooth operation in mind. While a gear from a car
transmission will be very different from a gear in a watch, they hold
the involute profile in common. The magic
of the involute profile is to allow interlocking teeth to roll off of
each other, rather than shearing. Shearing action under heavy load
will lead to the gears wearing down and eventually failing.
A good
place to start in describing the anatomy of an involute gear is to
imagine two circles that roll on each other without slip. These are
essentially gears minus the teeth. Once teeth are added, this circle
is called the “pitch circle” and is the circle on which the gear
teeth are always making contact. the illustration below details relevant measurements.
seen, the teeth are always contacting along the pitch circle. The
next important dimension is the pressure angle. Pressure angle is the
angle between a tangent to the pitch circle at the point of contact
and the line on which the teeth mesh. A higher pressure angle leads
to thicker teeth. After determination of the pitch circle diameter
and the pressure angle, the base circle can be calculated as:
Once the base circle is calculated, It can be used to sketch the involute profiles. An involute profile is the profile obtained when a string is unwound from a cylinder, and the tip of the string is traced.
For a counterclockwise arc,
For a
clockwise arc, values of t have their signs reversed. For different
start points around the circle, the offset is added to t.
allows a mat lab function to be created that takes the number of
teeth, the pressure angle, and the modulus. The modulus and the
number of teeth are used to create the pitch circle, then the base
circle is calculated and involute profiles are sketched off of it.
The tricky part is knowing when to start and stop sketching the
profile, and then adding corresponding top lands and fillet radii.
from the created matlab function are shown for an 8, a 20, and a 50
tooth gear with pressure angle of .35 radians. The green circle
represents the pitch circle.
result of drawing equation driven involute gears gives accurate
results, but takes many piecewise defined parts for the program to
function. The same principle can in theory be applied to
non-circular gears, but finding the end points for drawing the
involute curves becomes very complex.
Below is the Matlab code. It takes input for modulus, Number of teeth, Pressure angle (in radians), and resolution of the drawing (as a fraction).
function [ output_args ] = Geardrawd( modulus,N, PA,res)
%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes her
offset=0; %offset is the angle between centers of gear teeth.
thetasize=size(theta); % This is done to determine the size of the theta vector, so that a radius vector of the same length can be made for plotting.
pitchrad=N./(2.*modulus); % Determines the pitch radius.
basrad=pitchrad.*cos(PA) % Determines the base circle radius. The base circle radius is the radius that all the involutes are "unwound" from.
addendum=1/modulus; % The addendum is the distance from the pitch diameter to the top of the gear tooth.
dedendum=1.25/modulus; % The dedendum is the distance from the pitch diameter to the "well" of the gear tooth.
baseradius=ones(1,thetasize(end)).*basrad; %sets up the base radius as a vector matched in length to theta.
pitchradius=ones(1,thetasize(end)).*pitchrad; % Sets up the pitch radius as a vector matched in length to theta
outrad=ones(1,thetasize(end)).*(pitchrad+addendum); %determines the radius of the outside edge of the teeth.
rootrad=ones(1,thetasize(end)).*pitchrad-dedendum; % Determines the radius of the lowest spot in the well.
alpha=((((2.*pitchrad).^2)-((2.*basrad).^2)).^(1/2))/(2.*basrad)-PA % alpha is a weird one. it is the angle between where the involute intersects the pitch circle to where the involute intersects the base circle.
osos=(2.*pi)/(4*N)-alpha; % osos, standing for "offset offset" is the angular distance from the center of the tooth to where the involute intersects the pitch circle. by subtracting alpha, we determine the angular distance between the center of the tooth and the point of unwinding on the base circle.
filletrad=(basrad/(1.3*N)) % Determines radius for fillet circle
filletradius=(ones(1,thetasize(end)).*(filletrad))+rootrad; %fills in fillet circle matrix.
drawthetabegin=((((filletrad+rootrad).^2)-((basrad).^2)).^(1/2))/(basrad); %determines where the unwrap starts
drawtheta=drawthetabegin:res:((((outrad).^2)-((basrad).^2)).^(1/2))/(basrad); %determines how far the unwrap goes.
% beta=atan(((basrad*(drawtheta(end))/basrad)))+alpha
xccw=basrad.*(cos(drawtheta(end)+offset+osos)+drawtheta(end).*sin(drawtheta(end)+offset+osos)); % This is calculated to how far to traw the top land arc.
arcstart=atan(yccw/xccw) %BLACK MAGIC
for i=1:N, % for each loop, a tooth is drawn.
if (basrad>filletrad(end))
cwtheta=ones(1,radsize(end)).*(offset-osos); % for the straight lines
% the U denotes under the base circle.
hold on
%axis([-3 3 -3 3]);
axis square;
The next step is to print some of these gears of mine out and see if they really work!
could you share the matlab .m file for 25 teeth 20 degree pressure angle?
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